Your nervous system is the best pharmacist you'll ever have access to.

In this course, you'll learn its language and how to activate its innate restorative powers to help your body heal after trauma.


Join now!

"Your guidance has helped me immensely. I feel that my mental and emotional state has improved a lot, and it happened in the best moment in my life. In certain ways my whole mindset shifted and I learnt a new approach. It works! I'll be using the methods you taught us."

Szilvia Frank

"Effie's course has been life changing for me. I decided to join because of her philosophy, her story and because I felt that she'd 'get' me. She broke down complex information so it was understandable, gave me tools to support myself with my cPTSD, anxiety and depression, and she offered persistent and reliable guidance. There has been such a transformation for me and I'm in a totally difference place compared to where I was before.

Corina Ebnother

Life after trauma can be challenging because it has a profound impact on our mental and physical health, on our relationship with ourselves and the world around us.


If you’ve gone through trauma, you already know this which is why you’ve likely explored several paths of healing and change by now.

Some of these have been helpful and others maybe not so much.

But right now, you feel a deeper calling to get on the driver’s seat of trauma healing and to feel empowered to respond to your emotions and trauma triggers daily in ways that no longer block a better future for you.

You wish to deepen your connection with your body, and to learn practices that will support the repair of your nervous system and will expand your capacity for more vitality in your life.

If you feel like I'm talking to you, I'm excited you're here because Healing Trauma Guided by the Body will:

  • help you understand your health through the lens of trauma and your body's restorative powers based on what recent research has shown

  • will teach you effective practices to develop nervous system and emotional regulation skills necessary for optimal health

  • will give you tools to process repressed emotions that are at the root of dis-ease and self-sabotage through a somatic-based healing approach 

"Random but I just want to publicly thank you Effie for all you give to us individually and as a group. I'm so thankful to have joined and have learned so much just in these past few months."

"I'm truly thankful to be in the program and have learned from and be supported by you. It's truly life changing!!"

"Hello! Effie I just want to say thank you for the detailed responses you leave each of us. I'm sure it takes a log to time and I love how you address our comments. I learn a lot from not only your responses to my comment but just as much from your comments to other's responses. I got so many good nuggets from reading through the new ones you sent this morning." 

"I just wanted to tell you how I am so impressed by you and your coaching and teaching! I've learned so much just since February my brain can't even hold it all in." 😆

"One of the biggest benefits I've received from the course has been on the live group calls and in seeing how Effie embodies her own teachings - in how she presents, in how she carries herself, and in how she holds space for and relates to us all in the program. The group calls were very helpful times to not just take in information but to see the difference in action/embodiment of how a well-regulated, self-aware, and well-resourced human can be. The reason I decided to join Effie’s course wasn't just my personal resonance with her, but I felt that I picked up on her own resonance with herself, which I again have noticed to be unfortunately rare these days amongst practitioners in the wellness space. I could sense that Effie was the type of teacher and leader who is unafraid to see herself, and that is the kind of person I enjoy learning from the most. The entire course and its offerings seemed to me really intentionally crafted and well thought out. Thank you, Effie! I really appreciate the work you do and the integrity with which you approach your work and your own personal healing - it shows through in all that you do."

Chelsea Jewel

"Effie helped me get to the core of my problem, gave me tools to transcend it, and techniques to help me feel and release emotions I used to shut down out of fear. She helped me feel ‘whole’ again. To anyone thinking of working with Effie, I'd say do yourself a favour and do it. She's been incredibly helpful to me and I will always be grateful the universe sent her my way."

Dave Cooke

For more than 30 years, neuroscience knows that our body and brain are one unified system, and they operate as such.


This explains why somatics and body work don't only support positive changes in our mental and emotional health, but also in our physical health. Past students who implemented what they learnt as a lifestyle have seen improvements in health issues they've been dealing with for years, such as acne, psoriasis, thyroid, migraines and arthritis. 

Our body and nervous system are our biggest supporters, and once we know how to engage them in our healing process and show up for them consistently, we can activate their restorative skills.

These skills are our body's innate medicine.

This is for you if you experience:

  • The impact of trauma on your life and health
  • Anxiety, stress, panic attacks and emotional overwhelm
  • Depression, dissociation, and disconnection from yourself, the world and others
  • Addiction, a challenging relationship with food or digestive issues
  • Autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis or psoriasis
  • Other physical issues, such as asthma, high or low blood pressure and diabetes
  • Chronic pain, migraines, fibromyalgia or muscle tension
  •  Skin problems, such as acne
  • Fatigue and insomnia
  • A desire to meaningfully reconnect with yourself, the world and those around you
  • A desire to live with more vitality, joy, inspiration and motivation
  • A desire to connect with your authentic self and live feeling empowered


This course reflects my over 1,400 hours of somatic, nervous system, trauma and coaching training, combined with my hours spent in client work.

It also embodies the work that has radically transformed my life after years of living with cPTSD, anxiety and functional depression.

All materials and practices are based on Dr. Gabor Mate’s psychotherapeutic approach to trauma, in Somatic Experiencing and in the Polyvagal Theory.

This is why I’m excited to teach you this somatic and radically compassionate approach to healing trauma that honours the whole of you, including your body and your life experiences.

The combination of all the above allowed me to create this course that has led to plenty insights, revelations and change in the lives of many of my students and clients.

"I’m not as strict with myself anymore and I don’t give my inner critic as much space as before. I’ve learnt to recognise my boundaries and that I’m not responsible for taking care of others. I’ve worked with Effie for two years and what I love about her courses is that they’re not overcrowded. They feel more private while you still connect with the group. A big thank you to Effie! Every now and then I go through my old notes from two years ago and realise how much I’ve changed compared to how much I was stuck in the past and couldn't see a way forward."

Eva Stein

What's Included

Q&A & Demos

Seven calls to learn more about finding and keeping love after trauma. Have your questions answered by Effie. You'll also learn a lot from the questions of other participants.

See the schedule of calls in the FAQ section.

12 Modules

Each Monday a new module will be unlocked with educational videos, audios, cutting-edge tools and practical exercises to support the repair of your nervous system.


You'll be a part of a digital community with access to Effie to have your questions answered from Monday to Friday. You'll feel supported between the calls and connect with other like-minded people who get this journey.

Lifetime Access

You'll get lifetime access to the course so you can keep using the practices and deepening your insights after the 12 weeks.

Results Past Clients Reported

  • Nervous system and emotional regulation, and operating in alignment with the body's window of tolerance
  • Feeling confident in navigating uncomfortable emotions with a diverse set of tools and practices you'll have for life
  • Creating a healthier and intentional partnership with the mind so that negative thinking and intrusive thoughts don't hold them back
  • Restoring inner FELT body safety that is a portal to vitality
  • Identifying shame-based stories that might be distorting the way they see themselves and engage with the world
  • Nurturing a more compassionate and less judgmental relationship with themselves
  • Reconnecting with their intuition, and trusting themselves and their decisions
  • Being able to express their truth, needs and boundaries
  • Strengthening their trust in their body's capacity to heal and in their ability to create positive change
  • Stepping into a more courageous version of themselves and take steps towards their goals
  • Creating safe, conscious and healthy relationships with others
  • Finding meaning and purpose in their life, and igniting their vitality
  • Feeling deserving of good things and a better life

"Effie is a great teacher and day by day I see small changes in me. Before I met her I thought everything was my fault and that I was not worthy of being loved or feel happy, but now I see that I can create a better future."

Caroline Enmark

"The most important benefit from my coaching with Effie is that I’m more confident about what I can achieve. Working with Effie has been a catalyst for me and I love the person I’ve become."

Katerina Papavasileiou

"Effie was very attentive to all things coming up during the coaching calls and all participants really showed up for each other, learnt from each other, and provided a safe space to be vulnerable. I really felt like myself in the group."

Alexandra Badita

Here's What You Will Learn

The Foundations of Healing Trauma Guided by the Body

Healing Outdated Coping Strategies & Triggers

Metabolising Anxiety and Depression

Harnessing the Medicine of Anger

Activating Your Brain-Body Regulation Skills

Developing your Self-Regulation Capacity

Attachment Wounds and Secure Relationships

Healing Toxic Shame and Guilt

Transforming Grief Linked to Trauma

Reparenting Yourself & Inner Child Work

Developing a Strong Sense of Self-Worth

Expanding Your Nervous System Capacity for Vitality

"Since day one I noticed changes in the way I see myself. Now I show up with confidence and I’m not afraid to make mistakes. I recommend working with Effie to anyone who’s struggling with emotional overwhelm and self-doubt. This will probably be one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make."

Mafalda Franca

"This course has opened a warm, comforting and inspiring door for me not only to learn and understand a lot more about myself and my struggles with anxiety, shame, fear and self-doubt, but also taught me there are tools beyond awareness to grow and nurture myself. Effie's clarity and insight is a priceless and abundant gift. Can’t recommend Effie and her course enough!"

Jonny Benson

Join With Your Favourite Plan

Sign up now for early bird pricing!




two monthly payments of £299.50

Includes the standard course features:

  • 12 course modules of nervous system and trauma healing education including videos and workbooks
  • Cutting-edge somatic practices and tools 
  • 7 interactive group calls with Effie
  • Intimate WhatsApp group with access to Effie for support on the go from Monday to Friday 





paid in full

Includes one private 45min session with Effie (value £120)

Plus the standard course features:

  • 12 course modules of nervous system and trauma healing education including videos and workbooks
  • Cutting-edge somatic practices and tools 
  • 7 interactive group calls with Effie
  • Intimate WhatsApp group with access to Effie for support on the go from Monday to Friday 



paid in full

Includes six monthly private 45min sessions with Effie (value £720)

Plus the standard course features:

  • 12 course modules of nervous system and trauma healing education including videos and workbooks
  • Cutting-edge somatic practices and tools 
  • 7 interactive group calls with Effie
  • Intimate WhatsApp group with access to Effie for support on the go from Monday to Friday 

10 Pre-Recorded Workshops

That's access to over 20 hours of the following educational and highly practical workshops:

  • Learning to be assertive and communicate better
  • Beyond addiction and building healthy habits
  • Breaking free from trauma bonds
  • From emotional repression to healthy feeling
  • Gut Health hacks
  • From fitting in to true belonging
  • Healing fear of abandonment
  • Intuition after trauma and making powerful decisions
  • Overcoming grief and heart cracking open
  • Unlocking intimacy in your important relationships

"Effie’s ability to get to the truth of the matter and create a path to a different way of seeing myself has been life changing."

Susannah Barrie

"Effie held space for me to explore my feelings, difficulties and new perspectives on myself, my view of the world and my experiences. I’ve gained a deeper understanding of my patterns and cycles and was given the tools to work through them."

Kyli Ferguson

"I feel that the biggest part of not feeling worthy and feeling inadequate has been healed through working with Effie."

Lili Suke

Your Questions Answered

About me

What’s led me to what I do today is a story that started when I was 10 and experienced trauma that involved family loss and mental dis-ease. Back then the stigma of mental health was even worse than it is today and, as a result, I spent my childhood feeling a lot of shame. This painful experience motivated me as an adult woman to go on a path to figure out how people can heal and live good lives after trauma.

It's come as no surprise that I've become a trauma educator and somatic coach running a successful practice that supports people privately and in groups. I have been trained in Dr. Gabor Maté's somatic-based psychotherapeutic approach, as a Mental Health and High Performance Coach and, I'm also currently training in Somatic Experiencing.

Through my studies and training, my work with hundreds of clients privately and in a group setting, and my personal transformation journey, I've seen again and again that with the right tools, guidance and community we can recover from trauma, feel better and live better.

I’m also a corporate trainer having run workshops on resilience, mental health and performance for organisations such as NatWest and The Centre for Entrepreneurs.

What nourishes me is the sun, the sea and meaningful conversations with friends. I hate small talk and I'm fascinated by people's life stories. In my free time, I love writing poetry and fiction, and travelling.